Lavender & Vanilla “London Fog Latte”


This Earl Grey tea Latte with Ariel's Lavender & Vanilla Honey ( London Fog) is a simply delicious! Such an easy warm, healthy drink to make at home.

2 tbsp. of Ariel’s Lavender & Vanilla Infused Honey ( scoop some of the lavender and vanilla beans from the honey and add them right into the drink)

2 cups of water

2 Earl Grey tea bags

4 cups of your choice of milk


  • Set a medium pot over high heat and add the water. When the water begins to boil, turn the heat to low and add the tea bags. Let the tea steep until it's as dark and strong as possible (about 5-7 minutes).

  • Remove the tea bags from the pot and stir in the honey & spices from the infusion until it dissolves.

  • Add the milk & stir until it reaches a simmer. Keep the heat low to prevent the mixture from boiling and to maintain a low simmer. Let the mixture simmer for about 4-5 minutes over low heat, stirring every minute or two.

  • Strain the mixture as you pour into 4 mugs.



Immune Boosts


Honey Hotty Toddy